Friday, June 22, 2012

Since we just celebrated our three year anniversary, I wanted to do a re-cap of our relationship together in pictures. I have written our story in a journal, however there is something about pictures that adds to a story. So on the blog, I thought I would add the picture aspect of it for our future generation. 
This is just a small aspect of our "getting to know you/falling in love" stage in 2008.

L to R:
1. First night games of the summer (first time we had hung out)
2. At a Kalai concert with friends in the summer. We had been dating for about a month or two here
First Date:
*Ols called on May 29, 2008 to ask me out on our first date
*We went on the date the first week in June of 2008 (I even took off work- which I never did. My coworkers were all laughing about it)
*He took me to Sundance to mountain bike (I had butterflies all day long). We had breakfast in the morning at a beautiful restaurant in Sundance, mountain biked all day (we even went off-roading through the gated housing area), went to Subzero in Orem for ice cream afterwards, and then finished the night off with a movie at Ols' parents house. It was an all day date (for our first date!) and I couldn't get enough of him

L to R, T to B:
1. Ols and I in his apartment. We had been dating for about four (ish) months here
2. Getting a quick kiss before going out with our friends
3. Just being us, goofing off together

 L to R:
1. At Ols' house after we had went to a singles ward activity in Salt Lake together in August
2. At Kenny and Kyle's place after we had tie-dyed t-shirts as a fun group date in September
3. Our very first week up in Logan together in August before school started
4.Just being together, and totally smitten


  1. SO CUTE!!! ahh we love you guys & are so missing you:/ Can't wait for our monthly date nights!!!

  2. Jacque! We miss you guys too! Ols and I were discussing last night about the things that we already want to do with you guys when you get back!! :)

  3. Mon!! Holy cow! Im so glad I ran across your blog! Congrats on 3 years! Im excited to follow your blog and your adventures!! :)

    1. Danni! It has been way too long! I was so glad to hear from you! I hope all is well with you and the new baby! I am sure you are a wonderful mom! :)
