Sunday, March 24, 2013

Well hello there blog!! It has been such a looooong time since I have done any updates! Life has been especially crazy these past few months. Let me start off first by saying that we are the happiest/craziest we have ever been, as we have welcomed two little angels into our home. Their names are Nicole Isabel and Rachel Louette. Yep, we are the proud parents of twin baby girls!!!! I don't know if there are any words to describe such a beautiful thing. Really, I don't think there are any. We just can't believe how much we love them. There isn't one day that goes by that neither of us have said how much we love them and we kiss those chubby cheeks of theirs. They are perfect in our eyes. They have made us laugh harder, cry, and made us simply look at the simplest of things as beautiful. There just is no other feeling that can compare for me. I love being a mom. From the day that I have locked eyes with them, I have been smitten. It hasn't always been easy, as they had spent their first month in the NICU away from their home, and the hardest part, away from us. This was especially tough on us... but they are home now, and we are so grateful for that!! I don't want to get too personal on this blog, so I will leave it to that! :) As a new mother, I have been over-come with the new feelings/experiences that I am going through with these girls... and I thought I would write some of them down...
Nothing beats when they are crying and you pick them up and they look at you and at that time, they are soothed. 
Nothing beats when they hold your finger while you are feeding them.
Nothing beats when you lock eyes with them, and at that moment, nothing else matters.
Nothing beats having their little bodies on your chest, as they try to lift their little heads to look up at you.
Nothing beats how they watch you intently as you sing, and you knowing that you would never do that for any one else.
Nothing beats when the twins interact with each other.
Nothing beats the smell of a newborn, especially after they have been bathed and have their lotion on.
Nothing beats that little smile that they give you, as you try to discern whether it was gas or not. Of course the final decision is that they are smiling at you :)
Nothing beats the yearning you have for them to stay small.
Nothing beats going to the pediatrician and hearing that they are doing so good.
Nothing beats the feeling you get as you look over at your husband as he is holding your girls and smothering them in kisses. 
Nothing beats how hard you laugh when they do something silly.
Nothing beats the way they sneeze.
Nothing beats looking at them and seeing parts of the person you love most in them.
Nothing beats the way you feel when you get them to sleep. 
Nothing beats the way that your family loves your children.
Nothing beats how tired you are. 
Nothing beats the feeling that you know what is best for them.
Nothing beats they way that the nieces and nephews get excited to see/hold your little ones.
  Nothing beats the feeling of accomplishment or of hard work you have at the end of the day or during the middle of the night :)
Nothing beats the fact that they recognize you, and that they are yours.
Nothing compares to being a mother.

There are of course many more emotions that are involved with being a new parent, but I will leave it at that. We are totally smitten. Life will never be the same. We love our little family of four, and we can not wait for the new adventures that lay ahead of us!!!

While I was pregnant, I did a lot of blog posts. However I didn't post any of them- weird as that may be. So I am tired of looking at all of these blog posts in the draft section :) So there are 20 or more so posts that I will simply hit "publish" on. Most of them are just pictures.. but I of course still want the memory of what happened, so I will post them. I still haven't done a post on they day they were born, but everything else will be caught up... hopefully haha.

Here's to blogging more this year! 

Have a wonderful Sunday!

The Gearys :)


  1. Holy smokes, CONGRATULATIONS!!! I didn't even realize you were expecting!! I'm SO happy for you guys!

  2. Monica! I'm so happy for you guys! I can't comprehend that you guys have TWO BABIES! It's so good to catch up and see how happy you are. We miss you! I hope we can meet your babies soon. :)
